Hello world!

Welcome to the new website for the “Underground RailRoad NYC” vision the Lord moved me into over 20 years ago. I was unsure about creating a new site, because I never really used the old site, except privately, as a refreshing and stimulating reminder of what I know I was called to.

At this time, wanting to afford others the opportunity to participate in some way, believing it may be time to do so and especially in the way of supportive intercession, which is needed and desired most of all, since “apart from God, I can do nothing.” I am very excited to invite you to participate, but also do so both humbly and seriously at the same time, because this vision is about bringing the light of Christ into the darkness, engaging spiritual forces in order to save souls, because that is the Lord’s good desire! May our God and Father in Heaven fulfill every act prompted by faith, to God be the glory!